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موقع الكتروني يهتم بكل ماهو حاضر في المجتمع العربي والعالمي ويتناول كافة المواضيع الشاغلة ذهن الناس ويعمل على مساعدة الاخرين من خلال نشر المواضيع الحياتية المفيدة و المختلفة.على محرك كوكل Google
الاثنين، 21 ديسمبر 2020
السبت، 5 ديسمبر 2020
A video that embodies the last moments of the legend Diego Maradona
الأربعاء، 25 نوفمبر 2020
Benefits of black seed for your body and skin.
Nigella sativa or black seed is one of the Mediterranean plants and one of the most famous used in medicine and treatment since ancient times. What are the benefits of black seed
Black seed has many names, such as black seed, Roman coriander or black cumin, and it has long been known as a spice and has been used since ancient times as a kind of treatment for many diseases.
So what is the secret behind the many therapeutic uses of black seed? What are the benefits of black seed? Details are as follows
Black bean combination
Black seed contains:
Approximately 21% of its ingredients are protein.
About 38% are carbohydrates.
Approximately 35% of beneficial fats and vegetable oils and essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and oleic acid.
Many minerals and vitamins, such as: calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.
The most important ingredients or active ingredients in it are the oils that it contains, the most famous of which is nigellone.
Benefits of black seed
Black seed has many important benefits for health and beauty, the most prominent of which are:
1- Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
Black seed helps strengthen immunity and fight many diseases, as it contains Thymoquinone oil, which is a very powerful antioxidant.
2- Lowering cholesterol
Many researches have found a great role for black seed in lowering bad cholesterol in the blood and helping to control blood pressure and lowering its level.
Thus, the black seed (Nigella sativa) has a great role in preventing many circulatory problems and promoting cardiovascular health.
3- Treating sore throat
Numerous studies have shown that black seed has an important and effective role in treating various sore throats and tonsil infections, in addition to it has properties that help relieve asthma symptoms.
4- Radiation prevention
It was found that the black seed:
Effective in preventing external radiation damage, especially those that cause brain cell damage.
Helps treat drug addiction and help the body get rid of toxins.
5- Promote mental health
Numerous studies have shown that black seed has a great and effective role in improving and strengthening memory.
6- Promote hair health
Black seed oil plays a big role in stimulating hair growth, increasing its density, and preventing hair loss.
7- Preserving the skin
Black seed treats many skin problems such as acne. And the containment of antioxidants and beneficial essential fatty acids such as linoleic makes them help in the treatment of dry skin.
It also helps maintain youthful complexion, and fight wrinkles and signs of aging.
Black bean blends
For the most important mixtures that black seed is used in skin treatments, here is my lady:
1- A mixture for treating dry skin
Mix the black seed powder with the black seed oil and sesame oil and use it daily for a week, and you will notice the difference.
2- Mixture for acne treatment
You have to prepare a mixture of black seed powder and apple cider vinegar and put it on the pills, for a few minutes, and try regularly to use this mixture, and you will notice the difference.
3- A mixture for radiant and fresh skin
Mix a little honey with black seed powder and apply it for half an hour to your skin, and as soon as you wash it, you will notice a glow and shine on your skin
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الاثنين، 23 نوفمبر 2020
The Lakers include Spaniard Marc Gasol for two seasons.
The Los Angeles Lakers, the NBA champion, succeeded in obtaining the services of Spanish player Marc Gasol for two seasons, according to several sources close to the club.
And after a struggle with other clubs to sign the 35-year-old, who last season terminated his contract with the Toronto Raptors, after 11 years spent with the Memphis Grizzlies.
The Los Angeles Lakers were close to hiring Marc Gasol 13 years ago, specifically in 2007, before Memphis kidnapped him, after he began his professional career in the Catalonia region with Barcelona and Girona.
Mark Gasol was named the best defender in the tournament in 2013 and is considered one of the smartest players on the basketball court.
Thus, Gasol's name continues with the ranks of Los Angeles, as his brother Pau Gasol won two NBA titles with the club which he played with his ranks from 2008 to 2014
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الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2020
عشبة الماعز القرنية مثير للشهوة الجنسية ...
عشبة الماعز القرنية المعروفة أيضًا باسم Epimedium و Yin Yang Huo و Inyokaku و Xian ling pi و Barrenwort ، وهو نبات طبي يستخدم في الطب الصيني التقليدي ، يزيد من تدفق الدم ويوسع الأوعية الدموية ويحارب العدوى أيضًا. يمكن أن تكون هذه التأثيرات مفيدة لمن يعانون من مشاكل في القلب أو التهاب الشعب الهوائية ولكن النبات يساعد أيضًا في الوظائف الجنسية وفقًا لخصائصه. على الرغم من أنه يمكننا سماع المزيد والمزيد عن مساهمة الإبيميديوم في زيادة مستوى هرمون التستوستيرون وحجم العضلات ، لا توجد أبحاث علمية حتى الآن لإثبات ذلك.
تعتبر الاكلات العراقية من اشهى الاكلات على مستوى العالم لما يمتلكه العراقيين من نفسيات طيبة ومهارات كبيرة في فن الطبخ. ومن عادات سكان العر...
عشبة الماعز القرنية المعروفة أيضًا باسم Epimedium و Yin Yang Huo و Inyokaku و Xian ling pi و Barrenwort ، وهو نبات طبي يستخدم في الطب الصي...